
Astro Richa Luthra


Birth Nakshatra is Very important as per Vedic Astrology. Birth Nakshatra is the nakshatra in which the Moon was placed at the time of birth.

The Vimshottari Mahadasha A 120 year long Planetary Cycle is based upon the Birth Nakshatra. It is the primary motivation of the mind to see things with a personal perspective. It controls natural instincts, likes, dislikes and is adapt at doing certain things better than others.
For example people having Kritika as Birth Star may have the following traits :

The Symbol is knife or blade, the mind of the person is razor sharp. Kritika Nakshatra possesses qualities like sharpness ,skill,expertise and ability to cut whatever it doesnt find useful. They can reach directly to the point. They act in a sudden and explosive manner.

The worship of the diety of the Janma Nakshatra can give great clarity to the mind in difficult situations.

Therefore Janma Nakshatra is Very vital for the entire Well being of the native. Birth Nakshatra remedies { may be different for everyone} always give excellent results.


During childhood years I used to gaze into the night sky watching Stars, Milkyway, Saptarishis and the Pole Star. At the time I could not understand Why am I fascinated towards stars.
My Astrological journey had been a path of self illuminization for me. It began When I started to find out Why some people Suffered (mentally or physically) as compared to others?
I had gone through various Ancient scriptures, Brihad Parashra Hora Shastra (BPHS), Gemini Astrology, KP Astrology, Numerology, researched on the horoscopes of the people suffering due to various problems. Chanting of Krishna and Ganesh Mantras and the blessings of my Gurus helped me to understand the Deepest Secrets of Astrology as no one can enter into the DIVINE and MYSTIC world of Astrology without the blessings of Lord Krishna and Lord Ganesha. A deep Insight into the various Ancient books could make us expert in Astrological Calculations and techniques but we learn real Astrology when we research on the horoscopes of the people suffering due to various problems and help them finding Ultimate Soulutions, Whenever I look into any horoscope I feel Connected to that Soul, which eventually helped me to decode his/her jouney through past, present and future. I am passionate about helping others through Astrology.

I felt Overwhelmed with the Trust of my Clients across the GLOBE. I owe special thanks to Astro Scientist Navneet Chitkara for encouraging me through out my astrological journey
